Singing Guide: Louis Prima

Singing Guide: Louis Prima

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're looking for a fun, upbeat style of singing, then you should definitely check out Louis Prima. Known for his energetic performances and unique combination of swing, jazz, and lounge music, Prima was a true showman who always left the crowd wanting more.

One of Prima's signature vocal techniques was his use of scat singing, especially in his famous hit "Jump Jive and Wail." To learn how to incorporate your own scat singing into your performances, check out Singing Carrots' Contemporary Vocal Techniques: Heavy Modal, Twang, Belting article and How to analyze your voice article.

Another way to emulate Prima's style is to work on your breath support. Prima was known for his deep, resonant voice, and this was largely due to his strong breath control. To learn more about breath support, check out Singing Carrots' Breathing Basics and Breath Support articles.

Prima also had a knack for blending his voice with other instruments, such as the trumpet and saxophone. To learn how to work with other instruments in your performances, check out Singing Carrots' Resonance in Singing article.

Finally, if you're looking for song ideas, check out Singing Carrots' Song search feature, where you can search for songs based on vocal range and genre. And for a great Louis Prima song to get started with, try learning "Just a Gigolo/I Ain't Got Nobody."

Overall, the key to singing like Louis Prima is to embrace the fun and energy of his style. With some practice and the help of Singing Carrots' resources, you too can start wowing your audience with your own unique version of his fun-loving, swingin' sound.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.